Living Blog

Whilst a former divorced spouse is an eligible person in NSW to make a family provision claim against the estate of a deceased spouse (section 57 Succession Act 2006), generally speaking such claims are not common or successful.

However, in a very recent Supreme Court case, a former spouse was successful in her application.

The deceased died without a will and his daughter was the only beneficiary. The surviving spouse and the deceased had separated 25 years before the deceased’s death and their property settlement had taken place 22 years before the deceased’s death.

The facts of the case...

When Do I Pick Up The Keys?

Buying a new home is an exciting time and as soon as it settles, most clients just want to move in. But when can you receive the keys?

Have you been left out of a Will?

The loss of a family member is always a difficult time, but it can become more distressing to learn that you have not been included in the family member's Will. Generally, a person may leave their...

What Does a Family Lawyer Do?

You've probably heard other people speak about "my lawyer" or "my solicitor" when telling you about their family law problems. But what does a family lawyer or family law solicitor actually do?