family-law Blog
Remaining in an abusive relationship doesn't only put you at risk, but also your children. Even if your children are not victims of abuse directly, knowing that abuse is happening to their loved ones can have a significant impact on their development.Many people in abusive relationships underestimate how much their children pick up on. Studies have found that children or teenagers are present during the majority of abuse incidents. As many as 80% are aware that abuse is happening in the home, whether they hear it from another room or see its effects later.Children raised in abusive homes may...
Care and protection matters: what are my rights?
If the state believes that a parent is not able to properly care for a child at this time, they may take the child away. This is a very distressing and confusing time, and you might not know where to...
Where to find support when going through a Care and Protection case
Whether you are facing questions about the welfare of your children and their care arrangements after a separation or divorce, or there's a chance your children will be taken away from you, you are...
Separation and Divorce Mediation Checklist
Few things can tear apart a life more than separation and divorce. Along with the emotional devastation it brings, divorce also requires keeping a level head concerning the legal dissolution of the...
How do Separation and Divorce affect my Will?
If you and your partner are considering separating or going through a divorce, it is important to know how this affects your will. Major changes in your life can have an automatic bearing on the...
Why you need a Family Lawyer for a Property Settlement
Separation and divorces are considered one of the most stressful things anyone can experience in their life. Not only are they emotionally difficult, the process can also be complex. Working with a...
Who should move out when the relationship ends?
You fell in love. You moved in together - maybe even bought a house together - but now it's over. One of the first logistical questions that inevitably arises is who should move out? It's a...
Coping with Divorce: How to Settle your Property
Although going through separation or divorce can be a stressful and confusing time, knowing your rights and what property you are entitled to can make the process that bit less overwhelming. Here are...
Divorce in NSW Australia: How Long It Takes
If you are divorcing your partner, you are probably wondering how long the process takes. This is a stressful and sometimes traumatic period in your life, and it is understandable you want to get...
Life after Separation: How Your Family Can Thrive
After your separation, your family needs some extra care to adjust to their new lives. With separation support, you and your children can not only survive the aftermath of separation, even better–you...