family-law Blog

The events of 2020 have forced many of us into closer proximity with our partners. Self-isolation, working from home and reduced opportunities to go out have all led to a more hermit-like existence. For some, this has meant being isolated with their abuser.

Reports suggest nearly 10% of Australia women in relationships have experienced some form of domestic violence since the beginning of the pandemic, a horrifying statistic. Women who have not experienced domestic violence before have been impacted for the first time, while previous sufferers have reported an increase in severity and...

Resources for couples going through a tough time

From bushfires and pandemics to self-isolation and working from home, 2020 thrown massive challenges at all of us. The uncertainty surrounding these unprecedented times has caused anxiety and stress...

Practical ways to repair a relationship

Modern life has more stresses than any time in human society. On top of that, 2020 has been one of the most difficult years in living history, first with bushfires and now with Covid-19.

What rights exist for a Sperm Donor

Conception occurs in many ways: traditional conception, IVF, surrogacy, adoption, sperm or egg donation in the clinical sense and sperm donation in the informal sense.

In the case of Masson and...

Australia: Parenting Orders and a Pandemic

Sporting activities are being cancelled, schools might close, grandparents may not be able to care for children and self-quarantine is recommended for sick children and their parents and perhaps soon...

Mediation in Parenting Duties

Many disputing couples understand mediation in parenting matters is “compulsory” prior to either party filing a parenting application in the Court. Section 60I of the Family Law Act 1975 requires all...

Parental alienation in family law disputes

When the romantic relationship between parents breaks down, parental alienation is sometimes used as an unfair tactic to harm one parent's relationship with their children. There are remedies...